Where does acupuncture and moxibustion treat insomnia?

Where does acupuncture and moxibustion treat insomnia?

Insomnia not only affects the state of work the next day, but also affects the state of life in the long run. Acupuncture can treat insomnia, and the effect is very good. So, where does acupuncture and moxibustion treat insomnia? Let's learn about it.

1. Shenmen Cave

It is one of the acupoints of Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian. At the ulnar end of the wrist joint, the transverse stripes of the palm, and the radial depression of the flexor carpi ulna tendon. Chinese medicine believes that the heart governs the spirit and the heart hides the spirit. From a literal explanation, the Shenmen point has a certain alleviating effect on the treatment of neurological diseases.

2. Baihui Point

It is located at the top of the head, 5 inches above the front hairline. It is the place where the three yang meridians of the hands, the three yang meridians of the feet, the Jueyin meridians of the feet and the Du Channel meet. This acupuncture point has a relatively good effect on the treatment of postpartum insomnia in women. It has the effect of coordinating the mind and resuscitation. It can treat headaches or insomnia caused by exuberant liver fire, deficiency of qi and blood.

3. Commonly used acupoints

Acupoint selection: commonly used acupoints: both sides of cervical vertebrae 1~7, and both sides of thoracic vertebrae. Spare points: forehead, head, eyebrow arch, Shenmen, Zusanli, Sanyinjiao.

Operation: Take all the above parts, focus on tapping both sides of common acupoints with skin needles, with mild or moderate manipulation. Start with the cervical spine and tap twice from top to bottom. Then make transverse stabs at 5-12 thoracic vertebrae, three stitches for each transverse position. Tap the surface of the acupuncture point for 20 to 50 times within the range of 0.5 to 1.5 cm. The forehead was tapped horizontally in three rows, and the head was tapped in a net shape. The technique is the same as before. It is advisable to use local skin flushing or slight bleeding. Once a day or every other day, 12 times is a course of treatment, and the treatment interval is one week.

Effect: This method is used for neurasthenia patients who mainly suffer from insomnia. And the curative effect is better for those with a short course, and the curative effect is worse for those with a long course.

4. Anmian Point

Anmian acupoint is the most important acupuncture point for the treatment of insomnia. It is also called the strange acupoint outside the meridian. It is located between Xiangbu Yifeng and Fengchi. Self-treatment is to stimulate the acupoints with the help of massage, and moxibustion can also be used to improve sleep quality, which is very suitable for patients with severe insomnia.
