Loss of temperature: the invisible killer of outdoor sports

Loss of temperature: the invisible killer of outdoor sports

   What is the "loss of temperature"? Is it really so lethal? That's right! If people are exposed to the outdoors for a long period of time, they will suffer from "hypothermia" under the conditions of cold wind and cold rain and insufficient heat preservation. It can be fatal if the rescue is not timely.

  Two major "masterminds"   lead to hypothermia, hypothermia, also known as hypothermia.

  The normal body temperature of a person is 37°C, but if the human body is exposed to a cold environment for a long time without warming measures, the core body temperature will drop below 35°C.

   If the body temperature drops below 35°C, the serious condition will lead to death, and this condition is more common in the elderly and newborns. According to experts from the 120 Beijing Emergency Center, the main causes of hypothermia in the human body are the following two:

   Exposure type: This type of hypothermia mainly occurs during outdoor activities, especially in the wild where the weather is changeable, and it may also be caused by travelers getting lost or injured. In a cold environment, if there is no proper insulation, the heat will be gradually lost, and there is no food supply, hypothermia will occur.

   immersion type: This hypothermia is also well understood, that is, under all weather conditions, the body is immersed in water for too long, resulting in rapid loss of heat. The onset of this hypothermia is very fast, because the body's heat dissipation rate in water is 25 times that in air.

   First aid experts pointed out that if the water temperature drops below 10°C and there is no heat protection equipment, the human body will lose the ability to save itself after 30 minutes, such as Jack in "Titanic".

   Seeing this, it is not difficult for us to understand that the off-road competitors in distress suffered a double raid from freezing rain and sudden temperature drops, and they did not have enough cold-proof equipment and shelters, and they would soon suffer from heat loss.

Make 4 preparations to avoid the obstacles of outdoor sports

   How do you judge that you have fallen into a low temperature threat? In the case of hypothermia, a person's body may experience tremor, slurred speech, strange behavior, blurred vision, dilated pupils, loss of direction and coordination, heart and lung failure, and even death.

   According to reports, when the body temperature drops to 32°C, the body enters a severe hypothermia state of "hibernation", and at the same time shuts off the blood flow in the arms and legs, drastically reducing the heartbeat and breathing rate. When the body temperature drops to 30°C, the body's metabolism almost stops, and the "Iceman" state appears, loses consciousness, and appears to be dead.

   In outdoor extreme sports, "loss of temperature" can be said to be a tiger blocking the road. Such exercises consume a lot of energy, especially in high-altitude areas, which pose a greater challenge to the body, and it is easy to induce various diseases and adverse physical reactions. If you encounter extreme weather at this time, it will be even worse. First-aid experts recommend that before exercising and working outdoors, make adequate preparations:

   1. In a cold and humid environment, the base coat should choose a perspiration-wicking and quick-drying fabric, which can quickly take away the moisture from the skin, and the outerwear should be made of wind-proof and cold-resistant materials.

  2. Keep your body healthy, take regular physical exercises, and choose high-calorie foods in a cold and humid environment.

   3. Before field activities, prepare chemical heating bags and thermometers and other items just in case.

   4. Know your physical condition, know your limits, and avoid physical exhaustion.

Encountered loss of temperature  remember these 5 steps can save your life

  If someone around you suffers from hypothermia, how to give first aid? Expert tips, please see the following 5 steps:

   Warm-Transfer to the room” Move the patient to a warm room, take off the wet clothes on the patient, and put on dry, thick clothes to keep warm.

   Heat-warm the human body   warm important parts, you can use electric blankets, warm water bags, etc., if there is no condition, you can directly use body temperature to warm the patient.

  Drinking-Replenishment   Drink some warm water for the patient to help the patient raise their body temperature, but not drink beverages, especially beverages containing alcohol.

   Dry-keep dry   After the patient's body temperature rises, pay close attention to the patient's physical condition, be sure to change the sweaty clothes and quilt, and keep the body dry.

  Implement cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Patients with severe hypothermia may stop breathing and heartbeat. At this time, emergency measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation are required, and emergency number 120 should be dialed in time to wait for rescue.

   In a cardiac arrest, the golden rescue time is 4 minutes. First, judge the patient's consciousness and check his breathing.

   Loosen the patient’s collar and trousers, and begin chest compressions. At the midpoint of the line between the two nipples, press the palms of your hands close to the patient's chest, overlap your hands, straighten your arms, press hard with your upper body strength for 30 times, with a frequency of at least 100 times per minute, and a depth of at least 5 cm.

  Open the airway and give artificial respiration. Each time the heart is pressed 30 times, artificial respiration 2 times. From the beginning of heart compression to the end of aspiration, the operation is performed for 5 cycles. After finishing, judge whether the resuscitation is effective. If the carotid pulse continues to exist after the compression is stopped, it indicates that the patient's spontaneous heartbeat has recovered. If artificial respiration is not possible or unwilling for the patient, simple compression is also effective in the early stage. For patients who have recovered their heartbeat, they should continue to monitor and wait for emergency personnel to arrive at the scene for further rescue.
