What to eat to reduce swelling

What to eat to reduce swelling

Many people look fat, but they are not really obese, but edema. As long as the swelling is reduced, it will look different. So what can you eat to reduce the swelling?

1. What to eat for edema to reduce swelling potatoes

Potatoes are rich in inorganic salts. Potassium in them can help the body expel the sodium retained in the body due to excessive salt. It can also promote the excretion of excess water from the body and effectively eliminate edema.

2. What to eat to reduce swelling of celery

The diuretic ingredients contained in celery can help eliminate excess water in the body and effectively reduce swelling. And eating celery can also help promote digestion and speed up the excretion of toxins in the body.

3. What to eat for edema to reduce the swelling of winter melon

Winter melon contains very low sodium content, which has the effect of diuresis and dampness removal. In addition, the potassium contained in it can also help lower blood pressure and reduce edema.

4. What to eat for edema to reduce swelling of mung beans

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mung beans are sweet and cold in nature, and have the effects of clearing away heat and toxins, relieving heat and thirst, and diminishing swelling. The mung bean itself contains the lysine of traditional Chinese medicine, which can strengthen the body's appetite and digestion. Recommended usage: Wash an appropriate amount of mung beans and soak for a few hours, then put the mung beans in a pot and boil until the mung beans are crispy.

5. What to eat for edema to reduce the swelling of red beans

Red beans are rich in vitamin B1, protein and a variety of minerals, which can help promote intestinal peristalsis, diuresis and swelling. Recommended usage: After washing the red beans, add enough water to the pot with the barley until the water boils, turn off the heat and simmer for 1 hour, then turn on the fire and boil, then simmer for 1 hour, then turn on the fire, boil, and then filter the soup.

6. What to eat for edema to reduce the swelling of corn silk

Corn silk is sweet and flat, has a good heat-clearing and diuretic effect and eliminating edema. Recommended usage: Take 50 grams of corn silk and decoct it in water for 20 minutes, then remove the residue and take it warmly, once a day.
