What to do if heatstroke occurs in summer

What to do if heatstroke occurs in summer

What to do if heatstroke occurs in summer

1. Immediately move the patient to a ventilated, cool and dry place, such as a corridor or under the shade of a tree to rest.

2. Let the patient lie on his back, unbutton the clothes, take off or loosen the patient's clothes. If the clothes have been soaked with sweat, you should change clean clothes and turn on the fan or air conditioner to dissipate heat as soon as possible, and add salt-containing refreshing drinks or inject dextrose saline.

3. Use physical methods to cool down as soon as possible to make the body temperature drop below 38°C.

4. If the patient is conscious or conscious after cooling treatment, he can take mung bean soup, light salt water and other heat-relieving foods or beverages; he can also take Huoxiangzhengqi water and other heat-relieving drugs; people who are unconscious can be acupuncture. , Shixuan acupoints and other human acupoints. Severe patients must be quickly sent to the hospital for treatment. Clinically, Chinese medicine scraping, cupping and "grabbing tendons" often have an immediate effect.

What food to eat after heatstroke

1. Eat more heat-relieving porridge after heatstroke.

Eating more porridge food after heatstroke is a traditional health care method in our country, which is of great benefit to the body. The porridge used for heatstroke prevention includes mung bean porridge, lotus leaf porridge, fresh lotus root porridge, and reed root porridge. 15 grams of Chinese medicine Cassia seed, 15 grams of white chrysanthemum, 60 grams of japonica rice, and rock sugar can also be used to make porridge, which can be used as a refreshing drink in summer and autumn. In addition, white heart sweet potatoes and mustard greens are added to japonica rice and cooked into porridge, which has the effect of relieving heat and sweating.

2. Drink more heat-clearing and heat-reducing soup after heatstroke.

After heatstroke, people sweat more and lose more body fluids. Drinking more soup at this time can not only replenish water in time, but also help digestion and absorption. The best soup is mung bean soup. Mung beans are cool in nature and have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat. Mung beans can also be made into mung bean soup with mint, mung bean pumpkin soup with pumpkin, mung bean and rice kernel soup with rice kernels, and mung bean silver flower soup with honeysuckle.
