What soup to drink for skin hydration in autumn

What soup to drink for skin hydration in autumn

1. Papaya, Tremella, Lily Soup

Ingredients: papaya, white fungus, dried lily, red dates, rock sugar. Soak the white fungus and lily in advance, clean the red dates, peel the papaya, remove the seeds and cut into pieces; add water to the pot, add the red dates and white fungus to a boil, turn to medium and low heat and cook slowly until the white fungus is gum. Add the papaya cubes, lily and rock sugar and continue to cook for 10 minutes.

Efficacy: Tremella lily soup has the effects of nourishing yin, moisturizing the lungs, nourishing the skin, and warming the stomach. Long-term drinking of tremella lily soup can regulate the lungs, spleen and kidneys.

2. Honey Sydney Soup

2 Sydney pears and 30 grams of honey. Wash and cut Sydney pears. Prepare a few stew pots, put in the pear cubes, honey and cold boiled water. Put the stewing pot in the steamer and simmer over water for half an hour.

Efficacy: Honey is sweet in taste and mild in nature. Honey contains a variety of amino acids and vitamins needed by the human body, and regular consumption helps to eliminate toxins and laxatives.

3. Hangju carrot soup

6 grams of chrysanthemums and 100 grams of carrots. Wash and slice carrots and set aside. Put water in a pot to boil, boil the chrysanthemum first, then add carrot slices and cook. Finally add salt and sesame oil to taste.

Efficacy: Chrysanthemum has a bitter taste, cool in nature, enters the lung, liver, and kidney meridians, and has the effects of clearing heat, detoxification, and cooling blood. Carrots are sweet in taste and cool in nature. They have the effects of nourishing blood and detoxification, strengthening the spleen and stomach.
