What kind of tea is good for edema

What kind of tea is good for edema

Many people look fat, but they are not really obese, but edema. As long as the swelling is reduced, it will look different. So what can you eat to reduce the swelling?

1. Barley tea

Barley tea is made by selecting and washing the barley, draining the water, putting it in a saucepan, turning on a low heat, and slowly roasting the fragrance of barley. Then wash the wolfberry, put in the roasted barley, rinse with boiling water, and soak for 5-10 minutes. According to personal preference, hot ingredients such as cooked red beans can be added to the brewed tea.

2. Watermelon peel herbal tea

Wash the watermelon rind, chop it, remove the slag and get the juice, then add a small amount of sugar and stir well. This herbal tea has the effect of dispelling heat and diuresis, especially suitable for people with heat constitution and patients with edema. However, people with cold constitution and stomach cold should not use it. This damp-removing tea has the effects of clearing away heat and dampness, cooling blood and stopping diarrhea. It is especially suitable for people with hemorrhoids who have poor stools or have blood in their stools.

3. Five-flower tea

15 grams each of honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, lentil flower, frangipani, and kapok, 50 grams of fresh smilax and Chinese cocoa rice. After washing the above materials (fresh soil Poria should be chopped into fine pieces), add appropriate amount of water, decoct for half an hour and drink it (add appropriate amount of rock sugar to taste according to taste). This dampness-removing tea uses flowers that have the effects of clearing heat, relieving heat, and dampness, so that its effect is self-evident, and it is added with dampness, detoxification, and joints. The tea has a stronger dampening effect.
