The correct way to eat saffron and those who cannot eat saffron

 The correct way to eat saffron and those who cannot eat saffron

Although saffron is very good, saffron is not a cure for all diseases and it is not eaten casually. So how should saffron be eaten, and those people can't eat it?

Who can not eat saffron

1. Pregnant women can't drink

After pregnant women drink saffron, it will cause rhythmic contraction of the uterus. Large doses will also cause spastic contractions, which will eventually cause miscarriage. Therefore, it is best not to drink saffron.

2. People who have just had surgery

It is not suitable to drink saffron for patients who have had obvious bleeding wounds after surgery. Not only is it not good for wound healing, but it can even cause more serious symptoms.

3. Stomach patients cannot drink

If you have poor gastrointestinal conditions, such as stomach ulcers, or long-term gastrointestinal problems, try to drink saffron as little as possible. The gastrointestinal function is not good. First, you need to regulate your body. influences.

4. Women with excessive menstrual bleeding

Women can't drink saffron during menstruation. It has an exciting effect on the uterus, especially for women with heavy menstrual flow. If you drink saffron regularly, it will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even bleeding, so it is best not to drink saffron during menstruation.

5. Children cannot drink

As for who can’t drink saffron, the last thing to say is children. Although saffron has many health benefits, it is also a kind of medicinal material. In general, except for the tonic prescribed by the doctor, any other tonic medicine for external use is not suitable for children to eat.

The correct way to eat saffron

1. The easiest way to eat is to take 5-8 roots soaked in water each time you drink, but pay attention to the number of times you drink it, drink it for three days and stop for one day or drink it every other day. 6 to 8 filaments a day, soak in water and drink 3 or 4 cups of water, stick to it, can play a good beauty and health care effect, and can also be used for prevention and health care, such a small amount is convenient for long-term use, saffron The drug is relatively mild and the effect is very good, but it must be adhered to.

2. The saffron can be decocted directly, or taken by taking the juice, or the saffron can be brewed with boiling water. Repeated brewing can be brewed 4 times.

3. Saffron can also be used for cooking. First, you can clean the rice first, then, add 3-5 saffron, add an appropriate amount of water, after cooking, add the cashew nuts, cheese, and salt that have been processed, and finally, stir evenly.

4. When choosing the method of medicine, you must follow the doctor's advice. The dosage of medicine is generally 3-9 grams.
