The best fitness time of the day

The best fitness time of the day

Many people are always accustomed to scheduling exercises in the morning. In fact, morning exercises are a fitness misunderstanding, and it is not in line with scientific laws. Now, let the editor tell you, the best fitness time of the day?

The best fitness time of the day

From a physiological point of view, early morning is not the best time to exercise. The best time to exercise is from 4 pm to night before going to bed. At this time, the temperature of various organs and muscles in the human body is the highest, and the flexibility of the joints is also in the best state. At this time, the exercise action will be more conscious and harder, so as to receive a better exercise effect.

How long is the best time for fitness exercise

One of the most easily messed up problems for many fitness dieters is that they dare to exercise for 5-6 hours a day in order to lose weight, and some tragic muscle dissolution occurs without taking a break. The longer the time, the greater the training volume, and the better the exercise effect is a wrong understanding. Not to mention the poor results, it also increased injuries to a large extent. A large number of scientific studies have shown that fitness for 40-60 minutes a day is the best effect. Do not exceed 90 minutes at most.

What to pay attention to after fitness

1. Keep warm

What to pay attention to after fitness? After running, you must pay attention to the issue of keeping warm, and help your body to be protected and guarded through timely warm measures. Because we are doing appropriate exercise, the body will increase the temperature, and the physical signs of all aspects of the body will also be improved. Therefore, after we stop exercising, we must keep our body properly warm and help the body avoid some stress. If you have a reaction or catch a cold, try to help yourself protect your body.

2. Replenishing water

What should we pay attention to after fitness? We must pay attention to hydration after running. Through proper hydration, we can help our body get the right amount of water, and provide it to the body that is short of water due to exercise, and it will be more healthy. After we exercise, we need to take a proper rest to help the body recover, and then drink proper water.
