Take a shower a few hours after applying Chinese medicine

Take a shower a few hours after applying Chinese medicine

Application therapy, also known as topical therapy, is a method of pulverizing drugs into fine powders and preparing them with various liquids into paste preparations and applying them to the required acupoints or affected parts to treat diseases. So how many hours after applying Chinese medicine to take a bath?

It may cause the pores of the skin to expand. If you take a bath immediately, it is easy to feel the wind and cold, and you will have a cold or some diseases of deficiency and coldness, causing the spleen and stomach to be cold, or there will be physical fatigue and fatigue.

When sticking, it should penetrate loose clothes with good breathability. The application time should be 1 to 4 hours each time. If there is no discomfort, it is recommended that adults can stick it for 2 to 4 hours at a time. The skin of children is delicate and the application time should not be too long. The application time should be shorter than 1 hour.

During the application period, the diet should be light, avoid raw cold, sweets, greasy, seafood and other foods that are easy to cause allergies and irritants; avoid beef, roast goose, duck, pepper, big and small fennel, dog meat, lamb and other warm and dry products; avoid eating a lot of cold Stimulating foods such as cool and spicy foods, in addition to adequate sleep and optimism. Patching therapy should not be carried out on an empty stomach, strenuous exercise, and more attention should be paid to rest.

Clean your back before treatment to prevent infection. It is normal to have heat, cold, numbness, itching, ants walking sensation, or mild to moderate pain at the application site. Generally, there is no need to deal with it. If burning pain occurs after removing the ointment, you can apply scalding ointment, etc., do not use external irritating drugs. In order to avoid further damage to the skin; if there are small blisters or the small blisters are broken, the local area should be kept clean to avoid infection, and the big blisters should be treated in the hospital.

Many people will make a judgment about their own symptoms. Other people have similar symptoms and want to do it themselves. This is not correct. You can't do what others do. You need to paste the parts according to the specific symptoms. It is not the same. Which parts are, just which parts, the basic acupuncture points have not changed. On top of the basics, you must choose different acupuncture points according to your specific situation.

Go to a regular hospital for application. In the hospital for application, the doctor will carefully ask your medical history, personal condition, observe your skin condition, and apply after a comprehensive judgment.
