How to moisturize the skin in autumn

How to moisturize the skin in autumn

1. Get up early and drink water

When you wake up in the morning, you should drink a glass of warm water first, which can clean your intestines and stomach, and also have a certain hydrating effect.Because people lose a lot of water when they sleep at night, a cup of warm water can replenish the lost water when you get up early. . After washing your face, the skin moisturizing and moisturizing skin care steps must not be absent. When the season is dry, moisturizing skin care can be used.

2. Eat fruit at noon

Noon is when the human body is more prone to weakness. At this time, the water in the body is the easiest to lose. In order to reduce the loss of water, we can reduce physical activity. It is best to eat some fruit at this time, because at this time your stomach needs to absorb a lot of nutrients when it is active. When absorbing nutrients, it can be absorbed along with water, so that eating more fruits can keep one's own water.

3. Take a bath at night

Night falls, and the day has passed. At this time, the body also needs to be hydrated. You can choose to use a moisturizing mask or take a hot bath to let the skin breathe better and replenish the moisture lost during the day.

4. Steam face

After cleansing, apply the usual moisturizing and hydrating products to the face, then fill the basin with hot water, and then add an appropriate amount of glycerin or essential oils and other skin care products. Put your face on the basin, and when the steam rises, let it smoke on your face until the face flushes. It can be used once or twice a week. Steaming the face can speed up the blood circulation of the face, moisturize the skin, and effectively improve the dryness and peeling of the skin.

5. Moisturizing spray

In the dry autumn, if your skin is particularly dry, it is recommended to carry a moisturizing spray with you. Take it out when it feels dry and spray it to replenish moisture to the skin regularly.
