How to lower blood sugar without taking medicine when blood sugar is high

How to lower blood sugar without taking medicine when blood sugar is high

Patients with hyperglycemia are a relatively common group of people in life. The way that patients with hyperglycemia control their blood sugar is to take medicine. Taking medicine every day is a thing that makes hyperglycemia patients very annoyed. Then, do you think that the blood sugar is high? How to take medicine to lower blood sugar?

1. Appropriately increase the intake of dietary fiber

This is because the cellulose in food is a polysaccharide that cannot be digested and absorbed by the human body. High-fiber foods can alleviate the symptoms of high blood sugar after a meal. At the same time, it also has the effect of improving glucose tolerance, reducing the amount of insulin and lowering blood lipids. Eating more fiber food can also stimulate the secretion of digestive juice and promote intestinal peristalsis, preventing constipation.

2. Use vegetable oil to cook food

Vegetable oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which has a positive therapeutic significance for how to lower high blood sugar. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can help the movement of cholesterol in the body and prevent cholesterol from depositing on blood vessel walls. This has a positive effect on preventing some complications of diabetes, such as arteriosclerosis; but vegetable oils should not be eaten too much.

3. Eat more soy products

How to lower high blood sugar is the concern of every patient with high blood sugar; soy is a source of plant protein, which is beneficial to diabetics. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and stigmasterol in soybeans are beneficial to lowering blood cholesterol. At the same time, soybeans are also rich in nutrients such as inorganic salts, trace elements and B vitamins.

4. Eat smaller meals

Eliminate a snack or switch to foods with a low glycemic index. Because for overweight diabetic patients, they only need to lose their weight to significantly improve their blood sugar. Therefore, as long as the calorie intake is appropriately reduced, better blood sugar control can be obtained.

5. Exercise to lower blood pressure

Diabetes patients should do regular low-intensity exercise with a long cumulative time to help control blood sugar; at the same time, avoid high-intensity exercise to prevent large fluctuations in blood sugar. If you sweat a lot, you can add low-sugar or sugar-free drinks to avoid the damage caused by blood sugar.
