Dietary Taboos for Diabetes

Dietary Taboos for Diabetes

Everyone knows that diabetes cannot eat sweets. Secondly, it is necessary to stabilize blood sugar. In addition to taking medicine according to the doctor’s instructions, it is also necessary to control their diet. Experts believe that diabetic patients also need to drink properly, strictly control salt, and daily oil intake. To control, the dietary taboos of diabetes must not be ignored, otherwise it will easily lead to symptoms, especially the following three kinds of fruits, should be eaten less or not.

1. Grapes

Grapes contain a lot of nutrients and become a dietary taboo for diabetes. For diabetic patients, the high sugar content in the grapes has become a food they must stay away from. Scientific research shows that the sugar content of 10 grapes is approximately equal to two or two rice. The blood glucose concentration of diabetic patients will rise after eating, which will cause the disease to worsen, so it is not recommended for patients to consume it.


As a tropical fruit, pineapple has high sugar content and is a high-calorie, high-fat fruit. Although pineapple is rich in nutrients, it still needs to be consumed with caution for diabetic patients. Pineapple immersed in salt water will not reduce its intrinsic sugar. The taste is salty, but the sugar will not disappear.

3. Cherries

Cherries are also one of the dietary taboos of diabetes. Although Cherries are rich in protein and contain a lot of vitamins, calcium, iron and other substances, they are rich in sugar. Diabetic patients should not be greedy, so as to avoid excessive sugar intake and worsen the disease.

Grapes, pineapple and cherries have become dietary taboos for diabetes. They are not recommended for diabetics. People with diabetes are advised to eat more vegetables and drink plenty of water. Warm water can promote the excretion of waste in the body, increase metabolism, and control blood sugar.
