Can diabetes eat yam?

Can diabetes eat yam?

Studies have found that although yam has high starch content, yam also contains yam polysaccharides. This non-starch polysaccharide substance can inhibit digestive enzymes. In addition to helping enhance the body’s immunity, anti-virus and tumor, yam polysaccharides can also help regulate glycolipids. It improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar, which is very beneficial for diabetic patients. Therefore, diabetic patients can eat yam.

Of course, if diabetics eat some yam in moderation, it will help control blood sugar levels. However, diabetic patients must pay attention to not eating large amounts of yam even if it is beneficial. After all, the starch content in yam is high. After entering the human body, it will be converted into sugar. Therefore, diabetic patients must eat yam in a moderate amount, otherwise not only Without the benefits of lowering blood sugar, it will increase blood sugar, which is very unfavorable to blood sugar control.

Moreover, because yam contains high starch, diabetic patients must pay more attention to the control of the intake of staple foods in their daily diet. Generally speaking, the starch content in yam is about 65%-70%, which is similar to the starch content in our common staple foods such as rice and noodles. Therefore, when diabetic patients take yam, they need to reduce their intake of other staple foods to avoid excessive intake of starchy foods.

In addition, there are many ways to cook yam in life, but for friends with diabetes, when eating yam, please be sure to avoid deep-frying, wire-drawing and other methods. Because these cooking methods are easy to cause the energy and fat content in yam to increase, and this diet can easily lead to the risk of rapid increase in blood sugar after meals in diabetic patients, which is not conducive to blood sugar control.
