Can acupuncture and moxibustion be treated if you are not sick?

Can acupuncture and moxibustion be treated if you are not sick?

Acupuncture has many functions. It can be used to stimulate people's acupoints, thereby alleviating people's fatigue, dredging the meridians and promoting blood circulation. So, do you think it can be treated with acupuncture if you are not sick?

1. Unblock the meridians

The function of dredging the meridian is to make the blocked meridian unblocked and exert its normal physiological function. It is the most basic and most direct therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion. Meridians "internally belong to the viscera and external collaterals are in the limbs", and the movement of qi and blood is one of its main physiological functions. The channels and collaterals are blocked, the circulation of qi and blood is blocked, and the clinical manifestations are pain, numbness, swelling, ecchymosis and other symptoms. Acupuncture selects the corresponding acupoints and acupuncture techniques, as well as the bleeding of the three-sided needle to make the meridians unobstructed, and the qi and blood flow normally.

2. Reconcile Yin and Yang

The role of acupuncture in reconciling yin and yang is to transform the body from an imbalanced state of yin and yang to a balanced state, which is the ultimate goal of acupuncture treatment. The mechanism of disease occurrence is complicated, but it can be summed up as an imbalance between Yin and Yang. The role of acupuncture in reconciling yin and yang is accomplished through the yin and yang properties of the meridians, the compatibility of meridian points, and acupuncture techniques.

3. Strengthen the body and eliminate evil

The development process of a disease is a process of mutual struggle between righteous qi and evil. The growth and decline of the power of good and evil determines the development and outcome of the disease. Indispensable for a benign outcome. Acupuncture and moxibustion can cure diseases because it can play its role in supporting righteous qi and removing evil qi. The role of acupuncture and moxibustion for strengthening the body and eliminating evils is mainly achieved through the combination of acupuncture techniques and acupoints. For example: In acupuncture and moxibustion, acupuncture tonic and moxibustion have the effect of strengthening the body; on the contrary, acupuncture and blood therapy have the effect of eliminating evil. In terms of the compatibility of acupoints, Gaoxunshu, Qihai, Guanyuan, Mingmen and other acupoints are mostly used for Fuzheng; Twelve Jing, Shixuan, and Renzhong acupoints are mostly used for eliminating evil.

4. Adjustment function

In order to exert the best therapeutic effect of acupuncture and moxibustion, it should be adjusted at any time according to the actual situation of the patient. Acupuncture treatment is to adjust the body's "partial prosperous and partial decay" according to the attributes of the disease and syndrome, so that the body can restore its normal physiological balance. Prompt them to enhance their exercise; while those with hypermotor function promote their relief.
