Tonic in winter, you need to distinguish your body constitution

Tonic in winter, you need to distinguish your body constitution

"Tonic in the winter solstice, start the spring to fight the tiger", "Three nines to invigorate a winter, no pain in the coming year"...

Talking about tonic before and after the winter solstice, the effect will be particularly good.

Winter tonic can store the energy converted from nutrients in the body, so as to strengthen the body and strengthen the resistance. However, Chinese medicine experts remind: you should choose a tonic method that suits you according to each person's different situations, and don't make up for it.

   Since the beginning of winter, there have been similar patients in outpatient clinics every day, and the elderly accounted for the majority. From a scientific point of view, people are prone to fatigue and fatigue after the winter. At this time, the tonic is the best time to not only prevent some frequently occurring diseases but also enhance the body's resistance. But many people don't understand whether to make up, how to make up, and what to make up, so they make up for the problem.

   "Tonic is a science, the key is to distinguish one's body constitution and tonic to the symptoms." Before tonic, you must distinguish your physique. It is best to go to the Chinese medicine clinic for consultation and tonic according to the doctor's prescription.

   Distinguish the physique, nourish the symptoms

  What is the human physique? It is formed by congenital inheritance and acquired by a variety of factors. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human physique can be divided into 9 types, the most common are yang deficiency, yin deficiency, qi deficiency, blood deficiency, and damp-heat physique. The principle of tonic is to "balance yin and yang, reconcile qi and blood", and tonic for any deficiency.

   Because of the low temperature and cold weather in winter, people tend to be afraid of the cold. That is to say, "Yang deficiency leads to external cold" in Chinese medicine. When the body's yang energy is insufficient, it cannot resist the invasion of external cold pathogens, and it will also cause the decline or weakness of the body's functions.

   How to judge yang deficiency? Generally speaking, people with yang deficiency usually have symptoms such as coldness, cold hands and feet, listlessness, and loose stools. Winter tonic is only suitable for people with physical yang deficiency or cold, wet, and other pathological changes

Group, not suitable for people with physique yin deficiency, fire, and excessive heat syndrome. If you have symptoms such as severe fever, thirst, constipation, and displeased fever, or suffer from an acute disease, you should stop tonic, and wait until the condition is stable, and you can continue tonic after consulting a Chinese physician.


   Chinese medicine believes that the human physique is divided into 9 types-yang deficiency, yin deficiency, qi deficiency, blood deficiency, peace, yang prosperous, blood stasis, damp-heat, and qi depression. The most common are yang deficiency, yin deficiency, qi deficiency, blood deficiency, and damp-heat constitution. The identification of a physique can follow the following standards, but it is best to be certified by a Chinese medicine expert.

  Yang deficiency physique: Always have cold hands and feet, and dare not eat cold things. The character is calm and introverted.

   Yin-deficiency physique: afraid of heat, often feel hot in the hands and feet, flushing or reddish cheeks, dry skin, dry mouth, prone to insomnia, often dry stools.

   Qi Deficiency Physique: Absence of speaking, frequent sweating, shortness of breath easily, and often fatigue and weakness. Such people are prone to catch colds, have weak disease resistance and are difficult to heal after being sick, and are also prone to visceral prolapses, such as gastroptosis.

   Blood deficiency physique: pale complexion or chlorosis, pale lips, dizziness, palpitations, insomnia, numbness of hands and feet, weak tongue, thin and weak pulse.

   Hot and humid constitution: The face and nose are always shiny and shiny, and they are also prone to acne and boils. You can smell a peculiar smell as soon as you open your mouth. Such people are also prone to sticky stools and yellow urine.

   Peaceful physique: Good sleep, cheerful personality, strong social and natural adaptability, typical peaceful physique.

  Yangsheng physique: strong body, annoying when the face is red, high-pitched voice, like cold and afraid of heat, thirsty like cold drinks, hot urine, smelly stool.

   qi depression physique: sentimental, melancholic and fragile, generally thin, often depressed, sighing for no reason, easily flustered, and insomnia.

   Blood stasis physique: dull complexion, dark lips, dark eyes, easy bleeding, dark purple tongue or petechiae, fine and astringent pulse.
