There are ways to lose weight by skipping rope! Not for everyone

There are ways to lose weight by skipping rope! Not for everyone

Jumping rope for 5 minutes is equivalent to jogging for half an hour. Rope skipping can fully exercise the lower limbs, while also allowing the arms and shoulders to participate. It is a sport that can coordinate the whole body. It can achieve the dual effects of weight loss and fitness in a short time.

  How to lose weight by skipping rope to lose weight? Some friends use skipping rope to lose weight. Not only did they lose weight, but they also became fat because they have entered the common misunderstanding of skipping rope to lose weight.

   skipping rope is simple and easy to do and has many tricks. It can make the whole body exercise in a short time, achieving the dual effect of weight loss and fitness. No wonder many people call it "the most effective exercise."

   Jumping rope for 5 minutes is equivalent to jogging for half an hour. Rope skipping can fully exercise the lower limbs, while also allowing the arms and shoulders to participate. It is a sport that can coordinate the whole body. Studies have shown that maintaining a speed of 120-140 beats per minute, the effect of jumping for 5 minutes is equivalent to jogging for half an hour. Studies have confirmed that skipping rope can enhance the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system functions of exercisers, and can prevent diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, hypertension, muscle atrophy, and insomnia, and other diseases. For breastfeeding and menopausal women, skipping rope also has a positive effect of relaxing emotions.

1. If you are obese, skip rope is not suitable.

   Skipping rope can indeed consume calories quickly and achieve the goal of losing weight, but people who are obese are not suitable for skipping to lose weight. Because they are jumping, their weight can easily cause excessive pressure on the leg joints, leading to sports injuries. People can judge whether they are suitable for skipping through the body mass index. Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg) / height (m) square, the normal value is between 20-25, more than 25 is considered overweight, and more than 30 is considered obese. If your body mass index is more than 30, it is best not to choose to skip exercises and use other gentler methods instead.

2. The body is overweight and the feet rise and fall.

   If your body mass index is included in the ranks of excessive weight, you must pay special attention when skipping: first, do not jump on one foot, otherwise, the weight of your whole body is placed on one foot, it is easy to damage the knee and ankle joints, try to choose both feet at the same time Landing or running jump; secondly, skip rope time should not be too long, take a break after jumping for 2-3 minutes.

3. Don't touch the soles of your feet on the ground.

   Use the forefoot to take off and land when skipping rope, which can relieve the impulse, reduce the damage to the soft tissue and the vibration and damage to the ankle bone. Remember not to touch the ground with the soles of your feet or heels, as this will cause concussions on your brain. In addition, it is best not to skip rope directly on the concrete floor. Choose moderately soft and hard lawns, wooden floors, and soil fields. You can also spread a blanket or plastic on the concrete floor to reduce the impact on the joints and brain.
