Sleeping at night often night sweats what to eat to relieve

Sleeping at night often night sweats what to eat to relieve

Sweating is a natural phenomenon of the human body: sweating when the temperature is too high, sweating when mentally stressed, and sweating on the face after eating irritating food. However, in addition to these three types of conditions, sweating or excessive sweating should be paid attention to when you should not sweat.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that normal sweating can regulate body temperature, remove waste from the body, and regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body. When the body's yin and yang are out of balance and the viscera is out of balance, abnormal sweating occurs.

Under normal circumstances, abnormal sweating without obvious disease symptoms can be summarized as follows.

According to sweating time:

One is excessive sweating during the day. No matter in winter or summer, in the case of inactivity or light activity during the day, I often sweat more than ever. These people often have the characteristics of weak body, low voice, poor appetite, and susceptibility to colds. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is a manifestation of Qi deficiency. You can choose Chinese yam, soy milk, beef, and mutton, etc., as well as coreopsis or astragalus stewed chicken or cavity bone to replenish the body and relieve Qi deficiency. You can also enhance your physique by relaxing movements and combining static and dynamic movements, such as Taijiquan and Baduanjin.

The other is sweating at night. Sweating when you fall asleep and stop sweating when you wake up are called "night sweats" in Chinese medicine. These people often have the characteristics of warm hands and feet, upset, redness and fever on the face, dry mouth and pharynx, etc. Chinese medicine believes that it is a manifestation of yin deficiency, and they can choose lily, Sydney, and other yin products in their diet, and eat less lamb, onion, ginger, and garlic. Other hot foods can also be drunk by soaking in water such as Adenophora, Ophiopogon, Schisandra, or American ginseng.

According to the sweating part:

1 means excessive sweating on the head. If you experience excessive sweating on your head and face after overeating, and you feel that your upper abdomen is full,

If you are thirsty and do not want to eat, it is mostly food accumulation. It can be relieved by reducing the amount of food you eat, eating a light diet, or taking some digestive medicine; if accompanied by the heaviness of limbs, stomach discomfort, vomiting, body fever, thick and yellow tongue coating, Is the spleen and stomach

If you have a hot and humid performance, you should pay attention to a light diet. It is normal for a child to have slight sweating during sleep; however, if it is accompanied by sleeplessness, restlessness, frightening, and thin hair, it should be diagnosed and treated in time. In addition, the elderly and postpartum

Women who are physically weak may also have excessive sweating on their heads, which is mostly due to qi deficiency.

2 It is sweating in the heart and chest, which is more common in some mental workers. These people are often accompanied by mental fatigue, loss of appetite, poor sleep, and dreaminess, which are excessive thinking, leading to heart and spleen deficiency. Appropriate exercises, such as jogging, Tai Chi, Badian Jin, etc., can relieve stress and regulate body and mind.

3 is sweaty hands, feet, and heart. If the hands, feet, and heart are sweaty with heat in the hands and feet, dry mouth and throat, etc., it is mostly due to yin deficiency and heat; if the hands, feet, and heart are sweaty with abdominal fullness and pain, the stool is blocked, and it is mostly due to fecal accumulation in the intestine, you can take a laxative; If you have sweaty hands, feet, and heart with dry mouth, swollen gums, etc., it is mostly stomach fever, and you can take traditional Chinese medicine for clearing stomach heat.

Distinguish by smell:

If sweat is smelly, it is mostly related to heat syndrome or damp-heat syndrome, which is liver fever. In this case, you can take a light diet or soak in water with chrysanthemums and green leaves. If the stench is obvious, seek medical advice from a doctor. The summer is stuffy and sweating a lot, and there is thirst, dizziness, chest tightness, nausea, palpitation, weakness of the limbs, tinnitus, and elevated body temperature. It is generally a sign of heatstroke. It should be moved to a cool and ventilated place in time, and some light saltwater should be added. It can return to normal in a short time.

In addition to the above, changes in the color of sweat must be diagnosed and treated by a doctor after comprehensive judgment. If a severely ill patient is suddenly sweating, cold limbs, weak breathing or sweating, shortness of breath, etc., it indicates a dangerous change in the condition and should be treated promptly.
