Mental illness has become a global problem, and standard and continuous treatment can only be achieved

Mental illness has become a global problem, and standard and continuous treatment can only be achieved

Mental illness has become a global problem (health concern)

  Many people only know about mental illness, but they don't understand why they suffer from mental illness, and they don't know that many mental illnesses can achieve effective treatment. Relevant data shows that as of the end of 2018, there were 5.994 million registered patients with severe mental disorders in my country, including six types of mental disorders. At the recently held 2019 World Mental Health Day public welfare publicity event, participating experts jointly issued the "Focus on Mental Health and Build a Better Future" initiative, pointing out that mental illness has become a serious and costly global public health problem. It affects people of different ages, different cultures, and different socioeconomic statuses, and more family and social support should be provided for patients with mental disorders.

The prevalence of schizophrenia is close to 1%

   In recent years, the overall prevalence of mental disorders in my country has been on the rise, and the total number of people suffering from mental disorders has exceeded 100 million. Wang Gaohua, chairman of the Psychiatric Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and professor of the Mental Health Center of Wuhan University People’s Hospital, said in an interview that a mental health survey (2016) showed that the rate of seeking treatment for patients with mood disorders in my country was only 9.51%, of which seeking treatment The proportion of patients treated is only 70%, that is, the proportion of patients with mood disorders receiving treatment is less than 1/10, and the patients received insufficient treatment. More than 50% of patients with schizophrenia have not received effective and standardized treatment. However, there are only about 40,000 psychiatric practitioners in my country, and medical resources cannot meet the needs of patients. Mental illness not only brings suffering to patients, but also severely affects their families, friends, and even the communities in which they live.

   Mental disorders are disorders in which the central nervous system is dysfunctional due to disorders of brain activity, leading to abnormal cognition, emotion, will, and behavior, including severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, as well as mental disorders such as anxiety disorders. On the one hand, the public’s awareness of mental illness is insufficient, and society discriminates against people with mental illness more or less. Many people with mental illness refuse treatment for fear of revealing their identities. This leads to low diagnosis and treatment rates of the disease. This phenomenon occurs in rural and remote areas. The region is particularly prominent; on the other hand, due to the impact of individual malignant events, it is generally believed that mental patients are dangerous and may cause harm to others' lives or society. And This discrimination and prejudice not only caused a heavy burden on patients and their families but also brought an increase in the overall disease burden.

Standard and continuous treatment can be effective

  In the treatment of mental disorders, experts emphasized that standardized treatment principles should be followed, diagnosis is the prerequisite for treatment, treatment plans should be formulated and implemented in time, individualized treatment principles should be followed, and long-term treatment should be adhered to.

   People with mental illness often feel isolated. Mental illnesses can make the patient and those around them who love him (her) feel less happy in life. At the scene of this charity event, people shared the experience of schizophrenic patient Beckham fighting the disease. During the treatment, because of irregular medication, Xiaobei's condition repeated many times. Fortunately, her family insisted on taking care of her and met Professor Ma Hong, the chief physician of Peking University Sixth Hospital and the deputy director of the Mental Health Center of China CDC. Developed a professional and innovative treatment plan for Xiaobei, followed up regularly, insisted that Xiaobei record the treatment diary, so that Xiaobei's condition was effectively controlled. Fighting with schizophrenia for 26 years, Beckham is now able to take his father's hand for a walk after dinner. And being able to see his father's satisfied smile is also the happiest thing for Beckham.

   Xiaobei’s attending doctor Ma Hong emphasized in an interview with reporters on the spot that the treatment of schizophrenia is not a matter for the individual patient and requires the strength of all parties in society. The recurrence rate of patients with schizophrenia within 1 year after discharge from the hospital is as high as 40.8%. The recurrence is affected by various factors such as environmental factors, patient factors, and lack of care ability of guardians. Repeated relapses can cause deterioration of the brain and social functions of patients, increase the risk of causing accidents, increase social and economic burdens and family care costs, and consume a lot of social medical resources. There are frequent reports of accidents caused by patients with mental illness, especially individual extreme malignant incidents, which arouse widespread public attention and increase the discrimination and rejection of patients with mental illness and their family members. As a result, patients refuse treatment because they dare not reveal their identity, resulting in untreated or untreated patients. Symptoms of patients with poor efficacy cannot be effectively controlled, leading to extreme events.

Assist patients to "recover"

“Community is an important place for patients with mental illness to live after they are discharged from the hospital. About 90% of patients with schizophrenia need continuous care in the community and family life.” Wang Gaohua said that active community intervention can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients with schizophrenia. And social function, reduce the rate of relapse and hospitalization, and at the same time helps improve the mental health of patient's family members and reduce the burden of family care. Poor compliance and unauthorized discontinuation are important factors for relapse. Therefore, experts emphasize early treatment, standardized treatment, and adherence to treatment.

"In the exploration of the integrated model of schizophrenia hospitals and community treatment and rehabilitation, Beijing, Wuhan, Hangzhou, and other places have begun to actively try multi-assisted community rehabilitation models, and have achieved initial results." Wang Gaohua mentioned, despite this. In terms of community rehabilitation, the gap between my country and developed countries is still large, and there is still a long way to go.

In 2015, the National Mental Health Work Plan (2015-2020) issued by the National Health Commission pointed out that in the future, my country needs to actively promote the service model of "treatment of severe illness in the hospital and rehabilitation management in the community" to encourage and guide social resources Provide community rehabilitation services for mental disorders. Tian Xiaoli, secretary-general of Bethune Charity Foundation, said that as a charitable organization in the medical and health field that continues to focus on mental health, Bethune Charity Foundation has been committed to providing all-round support for patients with schizophrenia and their families, and for patients with mental illness, their families, doctors, and the government. Build a communication platform, call on more people to pay attention to mental health, and eliminate misunderstandings and discrimination against patients with mental illness through public welfare lectures so that patients with mental illness can return to normal social life as soon as possible.

How to prevent recurrence?

  Mental diseases, especially schizophrenia, are diseases with a relatively high recurrence rate. To prevent a recurrence, it is necessary to grasp the principle of "standardized treatment, adherence to treatment, and continuous treatment".

   The first thing is to do a good job in the management of patients after they are discharged from the hospital so that the patient's condition can receive timely feedback. It is also an important way for patients to keep a diary. The daily situation of the patient can be recorded, fed back to the doctor, and communicated with the doctor. Family members of patients can also participate in this session. Allow patients to record their symptoms in their daily lives so that they can pay attention to changes at any time. Doctors can also learn about the patient's condition after discharge from the hospital, whether there are signs of recurrence, and prevent it in time.

   The second is to run a good parent-school, give full play to the role of family members, take the patient as the center, and family members as the starting point. Train the family members of the patients to be semi-professionals, so that the family members of the patients can share part of the tasks that the doctor should do. The purpose of the parent-school is to train caregivers to be the ones who understand the patient's disease best, understand the patient's medications, and understand possible side effects. When the community is not yet fully prepared, as much as possible to ensure that patients do not relapse so that they can return to society.

  The improvement and development of mental health require all sectors of society to join hands and actively disseminate correct disease knowledge to help the public understand mental health, to abandon prejudice and misunderstanding, and to help patients with mental illness and their families stay away from trouble.
