Make these 6 mistakes, the more you lose, the more fat you get?

Make these 6 mistakes, the more you lose, the more fat you get?

People who lose weight have been exercising, but the effect is still not good. They may really not notice the following taboos. For you who are losing weight, knowing these can get twice the result with half the effort.

Taboo 1: Do not eat breakfast

If you skip breakfast, you will inevitably eat too much food during lunch and dinner, especially dinner, and go to bed shortly after the meal. The body is too late for digestion and absorption. If things go on like this, the body will be overwhelmed, resulting in excess heat energy, which can easily cause fat accumulation and make people fat. If you skip breakfast, you will become obese, so breakfast is the way to lose weight!

Taboo 2: Do not exercise

Although it was mentioned at the beginning that there is no need to exercise or diet to lose weight, but let’s think about it, can a person stay still and not exercise all day? Don’t say that you will gain weight if you sit all the time, and the cervical and lumbar spine will also be uncomfortable! So we still need to exercise properly. Drop! Of course, this kind of exercise is not the kind of running crunches that make fat people painful. They are all small exercises, but without these, you will be exhausted all day.

Taboo 3: Do not eat fruit

Eating fruits can have a "weight loss" effect in a short period of time because eating only one thing can reduce our food intake. Especially high-fiber fruits can make our metabolism faster, thereby reducing weight. There are also some fruits that cannot be eaten on an empty stomach and are harmful to health. They should be eaten scientifically.

Taboo 4: Eat supper

Supper is very taboo for people who are losing weight. Try not to eat as much as possible 3 hours before going to bed, otherwise, the food eaten in the stomach will easily turn into fat, leading to the abandonment of previous efforts. Even low-calorie foods such as lettuce salad, if eaten in large quantities before going to bed, are also harmful to weight loss.

Taboo 5: Stay up late

When you enter deep sleep, your brain releases a lot of growth hormone, which instructs your body to break down fat and release energy. But if you absorb excess calories and lack deep sleep at the same time, then you lack enough growth hormone to break down these fats. As a result, your body will take such a shortcut-pile excess fat on your hips, thighs, and abdomen.

Taboo 6: Drink beer

The alcohol and sugar in beer do not bring enough satiety. A glass of beer does not need to be chewed and can be eaten in one second without feeling satisfied with water or a full stomach. People often wonder why beer can be cup after cup, but white water can’t, and fruit juice can’t. Because beer is too easy to "eliminate", it can be diuretic and water can be easily excreted; the sugar in it is quickly absorbed, and it will not increase the burden on the stomach. Moreover, while drinking beer, it does not hinder eating other things. After a meal, four or five bottles of beer are often consumed, which is equivalent to the calories of three large bowls of rice, and a lot of vegetables are eaten.

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