7 ways to speed up metabolism and double fat burning

7 ways to speed up metabolism and double fat burning

Metabolism insists on your heartbeat, blood activity, brain considerations, and muscle exercises. Everyone expects that the slower the metabolism, the better, but you don’t know: Speeding up your metabolism is a good way to lose weight.

What is metabolism?

   Metabolism converts the food you eat into various types of calories that persist in life functions and continue to metabolize in your cells. Metabolic response controls everything in your body: heartbeat, blood circulation, food consumption.

metabolism and fat

  The calories generated by metabolism are converted into fat in the abdomen, thighs, or any part of the body. When food is scarce, in order to get used to hunger, our body's metabolism learns to save and store excess calories and convert them into fat.

Is it true that metabolism is slow and destroyed for life?

   Two people eat the same calorie food. The so-called fast metabolism person will use calories rationally, while the metabolism of other people will burn calories slowly and store more fat. The so-called slow metabolism is not slow, only you and others use different calories.

What determines the metabolic rate?

   We can blame genetic injustice. Sudden changes in genes can cause overweight people to feel hungry more easily and burn calories more slowly than their slender compatriots. Early eating habits are also very important. But whether it is too fast or too slow, your metabolism may already be the best for you.

Women must have a slower metabolism than men?

   Yes, many women have a slower metabolism than men, but not all. Women have 8% to 10% more fat than men, and the metabolism rate of fat is lower than that of muscle, which leads to slow metabolism of women. However, a muscular woman and a muscular man have the same metabolic rate.

Can we change the metabolism?

  Yes, it is. Although people often think that metabolism is a holistic process, in fact, there are three different processes in metabolism, which are divided into "stop metabolism", "active metabolism" and "dietary heat production". Stopping metabolism during this period cannot be changed, but active metabolism and dietary heat production can be changed. The rate of active metabolism is generally determined by the amount of exercise. In simple terms, dietary heat production is the calories burned when you absorb and digest food.

7 Steps to Improve Metabolism Practical Strategy

1. Don’t practice morning, get up late

   Toward the morning, stop metabolism will be at the lowest level. So, if you want to lose weight, morning exercise is not a good way. The lack of sleep affects hormonal balance, stress index, appetite, etc., and has a negative impact on the body. The metabolism during sleep at night is equivalent to the sum of most of your metabolism during the day.

2. Divide the training bonus into a few short segments

  Long-term, strenuous exercise leads to unconsciously eating more or less exercise in the following time, in order to make up for a lot of energy lost by burning calories. Want to lose weight? Then divide the training into a few small parts and increase the number of training sessions. This can improve active metabolism but will not add appetite suddenly. It may be able to maximize the calories burned.

3, fried food and sweets can play together

   If you consume too much high-carbohydrate or high-calorie food for a long time, your metabolic system will actively convert the excess energy into fat. Once this form of storage is at a high level, the body begins to enter the state of enzymatic suppression. Normally the body converts fat and carbohydrates into energy, but enzymes will inhibit this process. In contrast, enzymes convert more energy into fat for storage.

4, don't overeat

   Eat too much in the buffet? Then you have to change your daily routine of the day. A 2013 study by the University of Bath in the United Kingdom indicated that when you consume 75% more food than usual on a certain day, you have to run for 45 minutes to maintain stable blood sugar.

5. There can be no more or less meat

   Compared with other types of calories, digesting protein requires more energy in order to better promote metabolism. But Robert thought that this would cause problems, and the compromise was: almost every meal consumed fat, carbohydrates, and lean protein. The human body metabolizes each nutrient slightly differently. When you take the three nutrients together, your metabolism will choose the most optimized method to deal with it.

6. Good news! Don’t forget to eat snacks

   Snacks are not the culprit that makes you fat, but eating snacks incorrectly is. Instead, you should say "no" to the long wait between dinner and dinner. All of these will stimulate the instinct of metabolism to protect you from significant hunger. Eating small and frequent meals can also achieve this effect.

7. I want to break off friendship with soda

   If you drink soda with every meal every day, you are 65% more likely to be overweight than others in the next ten years. One possible reason for this is that the latest research on artificial sweeteners indicates that drinking soda every day will reduce the body's ability to process sugar, which in turn will reduce the rate of metabolism.

metabolism formula

   Woman's metabolic rate = 655 + (4.35x weight) + (4.7x height)-(4.7x age)

The above formula can calculate a woman's metabolic rate or basal metabolic rate-when you do nothing, just spend the day lazily, to ensure that the body works normally and requires the least calories. The average metabolic rate for women is 1500 calories per day. If your value is lower than 1500, then you are in a state of slow metabolism. Remember: if you have more muscle weight, your metabolic rate may be higher than the calculated result.
