6 small recipes for removing dark circles

6 small recipes for removing dark circles

1. Ice milk eye mask to relieve dark circles

  Materials: cotton balls, ice water, cold whole milk


   1. Mix ice water and cold whole milk in a ratio of one to one.

  2, soak the cotton ball in the mixed solution.

  3. Then apply the soaked cotton ball to the eyes for about 15 minutes. You can also use a cotton ball instead of a cotton pad.

2. Yogurt to remove dark circles under the eyes

   Put the gauze into the yogurt to soak it completely, and then apply it around the eyes for about 10 minutes to allow the eye skin to fully absorb moisture and nutrients, which can inhibit the desalination and the generation of dark circles. In addition, it can also effectively remove eye bags.

3. Hot towel and compress to remove dark circles

   Most of the dark circles are caused by lack of sleep, which leads to abnormal blood circulation around the eyes, so the phenomenon of melanin precipitation occurs. After waking up, it is best to use a hot towel that is not too high in your body temperature to compress your eyes, and then exchange your eyes with a cold towel. You can reduce your dark circles by half in about 10 minutes.

4. Massage to remove dark circles

   It's a good time to get rid of dark circles after getting up. After getting up, use your hands to make a clockwise circular motion and massage the skin around your eyes for about 5 minutes. This method can promote blood circulation around the eyes and eliminate dark circles.

5. Horseshoe to remove dark circles under the eyes

   After washing and peeling the horseshoe and lotus root, chop up the horseshoe with a clean knife, put it in a juicer, mix with two cups of water, and separate the residue, and apply it around the eyes for about 10 minutes. Lotus root and lotus root are rich in iron and protein respectively and have the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, so the effect of removing dark circles is very good.

6. Recipe for removing dark circles

   Ingredients: 10 grams of Angelica, 3 grams of Chuanxiong, 5 grams of Astragalus, 2 grams of safflower, 1000 grams of chicken soup, 100 grams of japonica rice.

   Method: First wash the first three flavors with rice wine, cut them into thin slices and put them in a cloth bag, add chicken broth and water, and decoct the concoction. After removing the bag, add the japonica rice, bring it to a boil over high heat, and then turn to low heat to boil the porridge. Take 1 dose a day, eat it several times.

   Effect: It can eliminate dark circles caused by blood deficiency.
