4 coups to prevent coronary heart disease

4 coups to prevent coronary heart disease

At the turn of spring and summer, the temperature gradually becomes hotter, and the weather is humid and rainy. As the temperature rises, human sweat will increase. Excessive sweating can easily cause people's blood to become viscous, slow down blood vessels, and aggravate myocardial ischemia. The large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor can easily cause the heart to contract within a short period of time, which may induce myocardial infarction. Moreover, at the turn of spring and summer, people's emotions are also easily irritable, leading to disorders of autonomic nerve regulation and the possibility of inducing high blood pressure. At the same time, seasonal changes can easily cause respiratory diseases such as colds and bronchitis, as well as coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and myocardial infarction.

   In order to prevent the onset of coronary heart disease, patients with coronary heart disease, especially elderly patients with coronary heart disease, should pay attention to the following aspects in life and diet.

   Be prepared to deal with cold and heat. Patients with coronary heart disease should wear a sun hat and prepare enough water when outdoor activities, and be prepared to prevent heatstroke when the weather is hot. Physical exercise should be carried out in the early morning, avoid exercising under the scorching sun; exercise time should not be too long, when the weather is muggy and the air humidity is high, outdoor activities should be reduced. At the same time, once the temperature drops sharply, you should put on clothes to keep warm.

   Eat lightly. Patients with coronary heart disease should eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, black fungus, and soy products. You can eat some lean meat and fish as appropriate, and try to eat less oily or high-fat foods; half an hour before going to bed, waking up in the middle of the night and getting up in the morning Drink some boiled water; if you have conditions, you can drink more of mung bean soup, lotus seed soup, lily soup, chrysanthemum tea, lotus leaf tea, and other beverages. In addition, patients with coronary heart disease must maintain unobstructed bowel movements and develop the habit of regular bowel movements once a day.

   Maintain emotional stability and orderly life. Only mental balance can be physiologically balanced, all organs function normally, blood circulation is smooth, and stay away from the threat of myocardial infarction. If patients with coronary heart disease fall asleep late at night, it is not advisable to get up too early in the morning and take proper rest at noon to supplement the lack of sleep.

   Avoid smoking and limiting alcohol. Patients with coronary heart disease must not smoke and can drink wine appropriately, but it is advisable to not exceed 80 ml per day; it is best to make some appropriate adjustments to the medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases under the guidance of a specialist; if you go out It is necessary to carry anti-angina drugs such as nitroglycerin or isoamyl nitrite with you at all times. Once the disease develops, it is convenient to take the medicine in time.
